I have a thing for apple orchards. I recently had my family pictures taken at one (by the talented Amy Lynn) and just three days ago I went on my yearly trip to buy apples with my aunt at a different orchard. This means it is time for our caramel apple dip recipe. I love traditions! I look forward to getting apples every year. We always go to the same orchard even though there are many to choose from out here.
Why? I don’t know, maybe because it’s where my grandpa used to go and it just slowly became part of the tradition. Our apple trip now signals to me that summer is over and I start looking forward to the crisp days and changing colors.
Apples Dipped in Heaven with Caramel Apple Dip Recipe
I usually get overexcited and buy too many apples, but this year I am not sure I bought enough! They are so crisp and juicy and they are DISAPPEARING! I think because of this caramel sauce that I made to go with them.
I had to ask my aunt for a good caramel recipe and she shared with me her sister’s – my other aunt!
Bonus: It’s EASY!!! Thanks, Joan and Kay!
Aunt Kay’s Buttery Caramel Sauce
3/4 cup brown sugar
3/4 cup sugar
1/2 cup corn syrup
1/3 cup butter
2/3 cup whipping cream
*Makes 2 1/2 cups
In a medium saucepan combine sugars, syrup, and butter.
Cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until mixture comes to a full boil, about 5 – 6 minutes.
Remove from heat and cool 5 minutes.
Stir in whipping cream.
Pour into a jar and store in the refrigerator. It will thicken when cold.
I started out dipping apples in this sauce but ended up dipping my finger instead, I couldn’t seem to get enough! It reminds me of the Cheesecake Factory sauce that I always order on the side to go with any cheesecake. Em and I are addicted to Cheesecake Factory caramel sauce. She taught me the finger trick.
*update and warning: highly ADDICTIVE! I just ate caramel for breakfast! I dipped a banana in it, mmm. Here I am walking around the kitchen trying to find things to dip in this stuff! I am not sure if I should praise Aunt Kay or curse her for this most amazing caramel sauce!
Aunt Kay’s Buttery Caramel Sauce
- 3/4 cup brown sugar
- 3/4 cup sugar
- 1/2 cup corn syrup
- 1/3 cup butter
- 2/3 cup whipping cream
- In a medium saucepan combine sugars, syrup and butter.
- Cook over medum heat, stirring occasionally, until mixture comes to a full boil, about 5 – 6 minutes.
- Remove from heat and cool 5 minutes.
- Stir in whipping cream.
- Pour into a jar and store in refrigerator. It will thicken when cold.
Need another idea on what to do with all those APPLES?
Last fall I posted a DELICIOUS cobbler and apple sauce recipe.
You can find more of Aunt Kay’s heavenly recipes, here. Don’t miss her better than BYU’s mint brownies…YUM!
Fall, you can officially begin!

Carrie Kane for Anders Ruff Custom Designs says
Thank you SO much for posting this recipe. There is nothing better for fall then caramel apples. My kids are sick of apples w/peanut butter. 🙂 -Carrie
.-= Carrie Kane for Anders Ruff Custom Designs´s last blog ..Featured Clients Happy Bee Day Robert! =-.
Michelle says
I just added this to my list of things to make this weekend. Fall is PERFECT for apples and carmel dip!
.-= Michelle´s last blog ..A great day for Sam =-.
Alison says
I’ll definitely be trying this out! Caramel apples are one of the many reasons I LOVE fall.
Traci says
I made caramel apples a couple of weeks ago just using those caramel wraps and I wasn’t very impressed. Disappointed actually so I’m really excited to try this recipe! THANK YOU!
Nicole says
Yumm! Thank you for sharing the recipe! I can’t wait to try this!
Alison says
These pictures are amazing!!!! Go Williamsons!
Joan Morris says
Your pictures are beautiful Missy! Thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule to go with me to the orchard. I look forward to it every year 🙂
Kay says
Yea! I’m famous! Your pictures are gorgeous, Missy. You make me miss my hometown and Grandpa and going to the orchard. This recipe is the result of a long search and testing. I tasted a caramel sauce at an ice cream shop and was determined to recreate it. I tried and threw away lots of caramel sauces in the process. At Christmas-time, I like to quadruple the batch, pour into small canning jars and give as neighbor gifts. What a great idea to use it with apples!
Carla H. says
Thanks Kay for perfecting the recipe..what a great gifting idea. Happy Fall!!
Molly says
How long does the carmel sauce keep in the fridge? I’d like to make it for gifts.
Tiffany Jost says
Hi Kay!!! I love this recipe, how long would you say it lasts in the refrigerator? And can it be canned?
Jill Jackson says
Thanks for the recipe! I’m going to have to try it soon. I love apples but my husband will love the caramel.
Shelley says
Where is this Orchard Missy? I want to go! Even just to sit and look at all the beautiful apples. 🙂 The pictures are incredible. I think my kids may just love me today. I am going to make this for them for snack time. Thanks for sharing.
Julie says
I just got supplies to make caramel for apples yesterday, I’ll definitely try this out! I wish we had a beautiful orchard locally.
.-= Julie´s last blog ..Its a BOY!! =-.
Jessa (Holiday Haven) says
This is wonderful! We do carmel covered apples every year. Will have to try this to change up the tradition a bit.
.-= Jessa (Holiday Haven)´s last blog ..Cute Wool Acorns =-.
Peggy Witter says
Thank you so very much!! This is identical to the recipe my grandma used to make but was no longer legible. I know the boys will be ecstatic to have caramel sauce to eat with their apples and over ice cream (at least hubby will!!)
.-= Peggy Witter´s last blog ..The winds- they were a blowin =-.
Makinzee says
Yum, now if only i can find an apple orchard. Recently moved from Boise to Salt Lake and I hope I can find one!!
ann says
There is an orchard in Sandy, 113th south I think that sells the most amazing apple cider. I’ll bet they sell apples too. If not check north in Fruit Heights, up by Lagoon. Good Luck!
ann says
http://www.pickyourown.org/UT.htm just found this on the web
Mindy says
Hooray for Fall! Love the pics. The lighting is gorgeous. I hope you saved me some of that caramel sauce…I plan to partake!
Carolyn Clifton says
Is there someplace on the site that the recipes are posted for printing? I have already found several that I would like to be able to print out. Thanks
Missy says
I am happy you are enjoying the recipes, unfortunately we don’t have that feature, but that is a great idea we should look into it!
Angela @ Homegrown Mom says
There is a little print-friendly button at the bottom of the post where it says share and enjoy. Works for me 🙂
.-= Angela @ Homegrown Mom´s last blog ..Some New Old Posts =-.
Missy G says
When I find recipes or tutorials online, I do the old copy and paste method in to my Microsoft Word. It will even copy the pictures. I am finding so many good recipes on blogs that are tried an true!
.-= Missy G´s last blog ..Hello! Its been a while! =-.
Julie says
That is awesome. I grew up next to that Orchard and went to school with Bev. We love getting our apples from them. Have you tried their cider? So yummy!
.-= Julie´s last blog ..Fresh Peach Pie =-.
Nesleirbag says
Looks so good! I have never been a big raw apple lover (they can make my mouth itchy), but when they are dipped in caramel, (loud music, please!), yummm! Love the shot of the sun through the apple trees.
Joanne Kennedy says
Yum! I made this sauce and used it on top of ice cream this summer. It’s also good to dip pretzels in it.
Monica says
I think it’s beautiful that you have this tradition of going to the same orchard that your Grandpa did. There is a favorite soup I like to make because I remember my Grandpa making it too. =) Thank you for the recipe! looks yummy!! =)
Lorie says
Oooh! That looks gooooood!
Katie S, says
I love caramel sauce!!! Thanks for sharing the recipe. I am going to buy whipping cream tomorrow so I can make this 🙂
.-= Katie S,´s last blog ..Yummy Lo Mein Recipe =-.
Lyn says
How long is it good for in the jar?
stacy says
This caramel dip looks and sounds divine! I love the photos…they are making me miss fall…arizona doesn’t have fall. I guess I will just have to buy some apples and make the caramel dip which I know my kids will love! Thanks for the recipe!
Kandi says
I just made the caramel dip and I don’t think it should even be legal. Oh my word it’s delicious (and I didn’t even dip anything but my spoon, yet!)
Well done, Aunt Kay. Well done.
.-= Kandi´s last blog ..Bits of Random =-.
Nichole says
just picked apples last week…cant wait to try this sauce…but I am a little afraid to make it now..sounds addicting!
.-= Nichole´s last blog ..Toilet Paper Pumpkin!! =-.
em says
Mmmmmmmm, Mmmmmmmmmm Good!!! That dipping trick is so much fun! I don’t think I’ll ever live that down Missy darling! I seriously can’t stop laughing.
Amy Nowak says
I absolutely love the coffee tin and the glass jar with brown lid. My favortie memory with my grandmother would be walking over to the general store in Wabash, OH. It was directly across the street from their house, and we would go to get penny candy.
Amy @ Living Locurto says
I wish we had an orchard nearby. Maybe there is one??? I’m off to look. YUM!!
Jenn says
this sounds so good, so tempting…not sure if I should make it or not…don’t want to gain 10lbs of caramel sauce on my hips!!!
.-= Jenn´s last blog ..Next week the cooking will stop! =-.
Shelley says
Make it. I promise, it’s even worth the 10 lbs. 😉
Kim says
This recipe is amazing! Thanks for sharing! I don’t think apples have ever disappeared so quickly in my house 🙂
Tiffany C. says
Made this caramel sauce but is it suppose to taste like brown sugar? What am I doing wrong or maybe this is how it’s suppose to taste? Help does anyone know? (note: still yummy especially when you add some chopped peanuts after dipping it in the sauce~ just not what I expected)
.-= Tiffany C.´s last blog ..Seriously Fun Stuff =-.
Ali says
Maybe you didn’t cook it long enough because it should be more buttery tasting.
Zoe (in England) says
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm gonna have to try that with the few apples left on my tree!
.-= Zoe (in England)´s last blog ..1000 Gifts =-.
Chris says
Oh yum. What a great recipe. I had no idea ya’ll were in the Treasure Valley. We just moved to Boise two weeks ago. 🙂
.-= Chris´s last blog ..Clothespin Apron Tutorial =-.
Shannon says
I made this yesterday. So good. My daughter and I dipped it in apples..so yummy! I had made brownies earlier in the day so my daughter had an AWESOME idea..we heated the caramel, heated a brownie, and topped the brownie with vanilla ice cream and then the sauce. One word…DIVINE!!!!
stephanie says
This sounds delicious. I can’t wait to try it! 🙂
.-= stephanie´s last blog ..easy lined wrist warmers from a recycled scarf or sweater =-.
Cyndy Clairmont says
This is sooooo good. My hubby and I have been enjoying with apples and we love it. Thanks for the recipe!!
Nancy says
This looks delicious! Any idea how long it will keep? Does it need to be refrigerated or did I miss all that in the instructions. It looks like a great idea for Christmas giveaways!
Thanks for sharing it.
.-= Nancy´s last blog ..Autumn Plant Stand =-.
Missy says
Yes this needs to be kept cold and as far as how long it lasts, I don’t know – I haven’t had any last long enough to test it!:)
Kim says
OH MY WORD!!! This is simply AMAZING! Thank you for this fabulous recipe! Can’t wait to see how many things taste good with it!
Jackie says
Just wondering if anyone knows how long the caramel will stay edible when it is in the jar. In case I want to make multiple bottles at the same time. Thanks!!
Lanni @ dandygiveaway says
this. looks. so. good. I can’t wait to try it! Thanks for sharing.
scrappy buttons says
Oh my gosh,,,,I will be trying this tonight….I have a year to make the carmeled apples of the apple harvest fest we have in our town …..thanks so much for the recipe…..mmmmm can’t wait…
Kellie says
Is this safe to can?
.-= Kellie´s last blog ..Finally =-.
AMY says
Thanks so much for this recipe! I made some this weekend and you are right…it is most certainly HEAVEN!
Andrea says
I copied this recipe so that I can make it as Christmas gifts for my son’s enrichment teachers (PE, Music, Art, Health, Counselor, etc…)…I think this along with a couple of apples will be a much appreciated gift!!!!
Shawna says
Oh.my.goodness. I made this on Sunday and it is to die for! I tried some with apples, but really…it tasted so good on my finger, why waste a perfectly good apple? 🙂 This will be a diet buster for sure but I don’t even care. This tastes just like the soft caramels recipe from the Lion House (in liquid form). YUM-O!
Infarrantly Creative says
Not good for my diet ladies. You are going to help keep my thunder thighs rubbing together. Not cool ladies…not cool. Wink!
ColleenwithMurals&More says
Yum, yum, and triple YUM! I love caramel! And I think even I can do this recipe!
I live 10 minutes away from Apple Hill in northern California. I ‘feel’ ya with the traditions. Shoot, many years ago ( many, many years ago) I actually learned to drive up there when there were only gravel roads. Now it’s a tourist attraction 3 months out of the year.
Thanks for the great recipe.
.-= ColleenwithMurals&More´s last blog ..Doing the Turkey Trot =-.
Amy Jo says
I am in love with this sauce and want to make some and share with others…does it have to be kept refridgerated? Is it best room temp or warmed? How long does it last(LOL) if left in fridge, how long does it last unfridged?
Kay says
It definitely needs to be kept in the fridge. I’m not sure how long it lasts, but at least 3-4 weeks. It kind of separates, but just warm it in the microwave and stir it. Try it warm over ice cream.
basket411 says
I made this recipe last night for dinner and it was a HUGE hit! My niece was licking out her bowl! We shared the link on our blog. Thank you for all your wonderful ideas!
jessica says
I made this Caramel a couple days ago and We loved it! It does taste like brown sugar though. Did I just not cook it long enough? I used light corn syrup and heavy whipping cream? Thanks so much for the recipe
I also made some of the caramel (without the cream) and dropped spoon fulls on wax paper put in a marshmallow and rolled them up like sees kisses they were scrumptious and I don’t think anyone would of known but I couldn’t help and share LOL
.-= jessica ´s last blog ..Valentines =-.
Vicki B. says
Just made something so similar to this for a pumpkin cheesecake. Of course the recipe called for 3 to 4 tablespoons of bourbon – which was added at the end. So I guess it would be considered grown up caramel sauce – but it was very tasty.
.-= Vicki B.´s last blog ..Fun Times Part 2 =-.
Jennifer says
Made this today. Poured what would not fit in the jar over some popcorn and my kids are munching as we speak. Super yummy! Thanks for the recipe!
Jessica says
Made this caramel sauce last night and it was DELICIOUS! Thanks for the recipe. I paid tribute to Aunt Kay on my blog!
Michelle Holmes says
Do I boil the sauce for 5-6 minutes or does it take 5-6 minutes for it to come to a boil?
Missy says
it takes 5 to 6 minutes to bring it to a boil:)
Michelle B says
I made this for my twins birthday party to dip our fresh honey crisp apples in! It was delicious and the kids loved it!
Debbie Reaves says
Oh my goodness! I just made this a little while ago and it’s wonderful.
I watched the show “The Doctors” the other day and they said eating apples ARE a wonderful way to keep the doctor away. Probably not dipped in caramel but it sure did taste great.
Thanks for sharing the recipe. I had to hope on my computer to figure out where I got the recipe from so I could thank you.
Karen says
This is an addicting caramel recipe! I’ve already made it twice and loved the results! Thanks for the awesome recipe.
Sarah W says
I LOVE this stuff! I made it over the weekend for family and am now making it to give away. It’s WONDERFUL! Thanks so much for sharing!!
—to several of you who said it tasted like brown sugar- after I got mine to a full boil, I also boiled it for 5 mins- stirring CONSTANTLY to prevent burning- that seemed to dissolve the sugars really well and I didn’t have any problem with it tasting like caramel as opposed to brown sugar. —–
wendy jumbercotta says
I made this this afternoon. It really is delicious. I packaged a small jar with an apple for my daughter to give to her teachers. Very, very nice EASY gift. I hope they love it as much as I do. Thank you and I LOVE your blog.
Monica says
already saw this post but had to come back for a second look!!! yum!
.-= Monica´s last blog ..Creepy Candy Apples!! =-.
Tami says
Made this recipe this afternoon and my family adored it. WE only had 6 apples to share with 6 people but they were sticking fingers in the bowl and licking them. Can’t wait to try it on some other fruits. Thanks so much for sharing this recipe. I’m planning on making some jars of this stuff for teacher gifts.
Mikal says
I made this last weekend for our annual Halloween party. It was delicious and a huge hit. I am wondering how long it keeps? I doubled the batch, so we have leftovers.
Angie says
Oh my word. I just mad this, and can I just say WOW!?! This is the best caramel sauce, and a cinch to make! This may become a staple in our home. Good thing I’m training for a half-marathon and can run it off! 🙂 Thanks for sharing!
Kay says
Several asked how long this sauce will keep. I’m not sure, but probably 3-4 weeks. It definitely needs to be kept in the fridge. I’m so glad you’re enjoying it!
.-= Kay´s last blog ..Hot Fudge Sauce =-.
Renee says
Made this tonight. SO yummy! We had it warm over vanilla ice cream with banana slices which was awesome, but I’m looking forward to trying it with apples! Thanks for sharing a wonderful recipe.
Jenn Erickson/Rook No. 17 says
Oh my word…heavenly indeed! What a wonderful teacher gift that would be!
.-= Jenn Erickson/Rook No. 17´s last blog ..Easy Felt Trick or Treat Bucket – Guest Post from ModistaModesta =-.
Reagan @ Recipesmademyway says
I have been CRAVING carmel apples for about a week now… I bought some apples last night and am SO happy I found this carmel recipe!!! YUM!!!
.-= Reagan @ Recipesmademyway´s last blog ..Tortilla Soup =-.
Dottie says
I love this stuff it is so addicting. I even put a little in my apple cider drink to sweeten it. Thanks for this recipe.
.-= Dottie´s last blog ..Kentucky Girl Shirt =-.
Traci says
Heaven indeed!!! Thanks for posting. I adore fall cooking, and this yummy treat went straight to the top of my list of favs! Sooo yummy!
Micki says
I just made this sauce a couple days ago and our first batch is already gone. It’s SO stinkin’ good!! I’m thinking it would make a great teacher gift for Christmas. With a gift tag, a couple apples and a cute basket, it would be perfect and easy! Thank you
jtp says
YUM!!! I made this last night for my son’s teacher’s- it is soooooo good!!! Thanks!
Ali says
How could I resist making it when you gave me a taste of it? Thank you so much by the way. My family really enjoyed it on Halloween when I made it. I had to cook it a little past the bringing of it to a boil to get the sugar to dissolve completely and I think that’s why some people are saying it tasted like brown sugar. I forgot at first, to add the cream and it was hardening so I just put it back in the pot and added it. It still mixed in fine and I can see how the cream is what turns it from regular caramel into a saucy caramel. It was so delicious and more than a little “sinful” (as those cheesy commercials would say)!
Lindsey says
I saw this post when it first went up and just barely tried it. I can’t believe I waited so long!! We dipped them in apples and well as fresh PINEAPPLE!!!! SOOOO GOOD!!! I didn’t think it was possible for fresh pineapple to get any better, but I was wrong. 🙂 It is also delicious drizzled over popcorn. YUM-O!!
Missy says
Just tried it over popcorn last night, so glad to find another medium in which to get this stuff into my mouth! Yum!
Angelica says
This looks sooo good. I am going to make some right now! I’ll let you know how it turns out 🙂
Angelica says
Ok, I just tried this recipe and it is GREAT! I posted it on my blog and gave credit to you because you deserve it. It is soo yummy! Thank you! This will make great presents!
Amy :o) says
That was soooooo gooood. Just really hit the spot on this dreary Friday. Thank you so much for sharing the recipe!
Dustin says
Is the butter salted or unsalted?
Kristin says
I just love this idea! Totally something I can do and will be a great gift for my son’s teachers!! Do you have any idea how long it might keep in the fridge if I make it ahead of time? Thanks for posting this, can’t wait to try it out!!
Chris says
This sauce would be wonderful over bread pudding! Especially pumpkin bread pudding!!
Sandi says
Made this caramel sauce 3 times already and it has never failed yet! Made it the first time to have with apples(and anything else I could find in the house to dip), second time was just because there wasn’t enough left to go over the ice cream, third was to serve with the pumpkin bread at our fall get together with the family. Will be making more for some Christmas baskets I am making and will even be nice and give them the recipe.
Thank You!
Jolene says
I made this yesterday, it was absolutely dee-licious!! I gave some to my friends too… they loved it.. Thanks for the recipe! I had to repost this, I hope that’s ok.
Trisha says
Thank you so much! This is going to be my neighbor gift this year! It is perfect.
rebecca says
I did this as our teachers, neighbor, Home/VTing gifts this year. I put a jar of the sauce in a craft colored square box with some filling and a couple of apples and then used silver string to tie the box closed/decorate. I’ve had nothing but rave reviews and my FIL even stopped by asking for another jar! Delicious!
Teresa H says
I made this last night and it is so wonderful….we just about went to the store at midnight to get some ice cream to pour it over!!! I just have one question – do you use real butter for this? I used margarine and it tasted great, but noticed it separated. Once you stir it up real good it is fine, but am going to give as gifts and wasn’t sure if the real butter would keep it from separating.
Thanks for the wonderful recipe!!
Missy says
I do use real butter. It has seperated before, but just a little and not until it had been in the fridge for a couple of weeks. I am giving it as gifts as well, just made it last night. They have cute little mason jars at Target that work perfectly to give it in!
Stephanie says
OMG! I love this recipe! I cant wait to try it out this fall or maybe tomorrow!
Jamie R. says
Made this last night and it is delicious (just licked some off a spoon)! I had to do a little tweaking because I kind of messed it up (my fault, not the recipe’s). My tip is to use a regular pan (don’t use nonstick!). I knew this from past experience but still used a nonstick pan. My sugar mixture didn’t fully dissolve or it recrystallized and it was super grainy after the 5-6 minute time on the oven. I stirred in my cream and cooked a little longer to get the sugar to dissolve. I ended up with a very thick sauce, more like a soft caramel candy, when cooled. Perfect for me! Not sure if the original recipe yields this thick of a sauce, but I’m pretty sure I ended up cooking mine to a “soft ball” stage in candy making terms. Great for dipping!
Sue says
Just one question…the sauce uses cream, so I didn’t see in your post what the shelf life of this concoction is. The cream only lasts so long, even when cooked.
Shelley says
I believe Missy once told me it lasts about 2 weeks in the fridge. Hope that helps! 🙂
Mama and Baby Love says
Can this be used for making caramel apples? Will it harden over the apples?
Also, what exactly is the difference between corn syrup and high fructose corn syrup?
Missy says
This caramel is for dipping, for a yummy caramel to harden on apples, try this post https://howdoesshe.com/apples-dipped-in-heaven-part-2
Jacque says
How well does this sauce stick to apples? I am going to make caramel covered apples for an event at my daughters school and don’t want to start making this unless I know how well it adheres to a full apple.
Missy says
This recipe is for a dip – if you want it to stick, try this post
April says
Made this last night and it was Devine….
.BUT what should the consistency be once it cools?
Missy says
It is very pourable almost runny when it is done. As it cools it get very thick. When you warm it up it gets runny and DIP-able again.
April says
Thanks missy. Then it came out perfect almost like peanut butter after cooled. I’ve already made 3 batches…
Andrea says
I just found your site and am very excited to try this caramel sauce. I was looking for something to do for the people that work for my husband and for my son’s teacher. Quick question. Have you tried to can this so that it can be stored on the shelf and brought out later? If not, when you give it as a gift do you put on the tag that it needs to be refrigerated?
Thanks for the recipe!!
Missy says
I have not tried canning this. When I give it as a gift, I do say on the tag at the bottom to keep refrigerated. It makes a fabulous gift!
Karoline Pratt says
Just made this as gifts for Christmas. Ah-maze-ing! Luckily there was a “testible” amount left and I was licking the bowl. Thaaaank you!
Teresa says
Oh my goodness, this stuff is amazing. It tastes like liquid toffee. Delish! Unfortunately, it’s ruining my diet! It’s too easy to justify eating it when I’m dipping apples into it! LOL
teri miller says
saw your ” apples dipped in heaven” pinn on my cousins pinterest board tonight..liked every thing about the name. apples dipped in heaven.sounded like comfort food..
should have known.. you name would be Missy>
we have a daughter named Melissa “missy” who has lived in Heaven since dec 1989 at the age of 15.. and to this day.. she still finds angels on earth to let us know she is watching over us..BLESS YOU AND YOUR FAMILY.. MRS. MISSY,♥
Elle says
Can the corn syrup by subtituted for something else or just omitted altogether? my little one is allergic to corn. Thanks!
Michelle Hill says
Try this link for corn syrup subs, loos like honey or 1 c sugar & 1/4 c water works. I plan to try it myself! http://frugalliving.about.com/od/makeyourowningredients/qt/Light-Corn-Syrup-Substitute.htm
carolyn says
I was wondering if you add some salt to it at the end to make a fancy salted caramel? I am going to make this today! 🙂
Felicia Cox says
Hi, I love this sauce! Just wondering, after you jar the sauce up do you have to refrigerate it or will it be ok stored on the shelf?
Missy says
It needs to be in the fridge. 🙂
Hannah says
Love this caramel sauce!!! can I use this sauce to make caramel apples?
Missy says
No it isn’t cooked long enough to get hard – it is soft for dipping. But these posts have recipes that will work:
or this one:
Dana says
What am I doing wrong? Or maybe it is still supposed to have a teeny tiny bit of grain to it? My sugar seems to not completely dissolve? I wanted really satiny caramel, but this has just that little bit of grain. The first time I thought I had maybe boiled it too long-the sugar just seemed to not be completely melted– and it had recrystallized, but the second batch has turned out just the same trying to follow exact directions, and I even went a tiny bit scant on the sugar measure. Oh well, it tastes great!
Missy says
Oh no! I am not sure what is wrong but be sure to bring it to a FULL boil so all the sugar melts. I have even let it boil a minute or so to be sure with no problems. Good Luck!
Shawna says
I have made this recipe at least a half a dozen times… I have followed it exactly, and I have tweaked it to boil longer. It doesn’t seem to matter what I do, my sugar does not dissolve completely, and even though the caramel has a great taste to it, it is very grainy. Maybe that might not bother some, but it bothers me. I want a creamy, caramel sauce…and this dip is not it. At least not for me for some reason. I wish I knew what I was doing wrong or how to rectify the problem. I am a good cook, so that’s not the problem! haha. Anyone else have this problem and find a solution to it? Besides boiling for longer, because I have tried that to no avail…..
Does it matter if you use light corn syrup? Or is one kind more preferable? I don’t bake and only have light from art projects…Not even sure if they sell a “regular” kind… Thanks. 🙂
lisa kqihewalu says
I just made this……..:)mmmmmmmmmm is all i have to say!!!!!! It will be given in decorated jars for christmas! Thanks…….i look forward to whatever else you post! Happy Thanksgiving!
Star S says
Does this need to be kept in the fridge? I thought it would make a great teacher gift. But if I send it in the morning, will it spoil by the time she goes home? Thanks!
Kim says
OMG…for real. This caramel sauce is wonderful. So sweet and buttery! Thanks for posting this, we have already made it 3 times in the last few weeks! I cant wait to make some for gifts as I think everyone will LOVE them! Thanks again for sharing this with the world!
Annie says
I noticed a lot of questions about how long it lasts. I found a similar recipe that said up to 2 months in the fridge.
Kris says
How long will the caramel sauce last in the refrigerator?
Thanks, Kris
Bev says
I just want to say that I tried a few other caramel sauce recipes and threw them in the trash after I made this one! I added a couple of pinches of sea salt and it is hands down the best salted caramel sauce I have made…super close to Leatherby’s caramel sauce…which if you have had that, you will remember it! Yummy!!!!
andrea says
Making caramel. Picking apples. Making babies. Who are you? Picking apples this week and will def.be making this! YUM!
kami says
How much does this make? would you double it to make for gifts?
Shelley says
Double it. You will want to. I promise. ESPECIALLY if you are making gifts. 😉 You’ll probably eat half of it yourself. I double dare you not to try to eat by the spoonful. 😉
Sandy Diaz says
I made this again this weekend! I like it! It is my go to review for caramel dip!
Sarah says
Do you have a substitution for the corn syrup? My friend just found out her daughter is allergic to corn…
Lara says
Ok Missy, I just made a double batch and took half to my neighbors.. I am tempted to go ask them to give it back, cause my kids already ate half our pint! This stuff is delicious!! It is so good with honey crisp and pink lady apples!
Missy says
I know – it is crazy good! I always double the recipe even if just for my family because it disappears so quickly! 🙂 so glad you like it!
lisa says
Just made your Caramel dip it tasted really,but it was a little bit gritty, could you tell me what I did wrong, when,I make caramelfor my popcorn I don’t use sugar I just use the brown sugar,it taste wonderful, but like I said I was a little gritty could you let me know what I am doing wrong thanks lisa
Missy says
This has happened to me once as well when I didn’t let it cook quite long enough. Just be sure all the sugar is dissolved before you turn off the heat. Don’t start timing it until it is a rolling boil – not just a few bubbles, but tons of big bubbles.
Keisha Talley says
Great reciepe
Karen says
Made a batch of it this morning and loved it. Was looking for an alternative from the store bought caramel. This is it! Made 2 more batches this morning. My husband is taking 1 1/2 batches to work and I am giving the rest to my parents. Great recipe!
Heather says
I had the same problem with the caramel being gritty, I think it was from adding the cream after it had cooled. It looked like it melted in but made the sauce gritty. I simply reheated the whole thing for 5 min., stir constantly and my problem was solved. This time when I made it I added the cream around 3 or 4 min into the process and stirred constantly and it turned out perfect. It takes about 2 min extra to reach a boil. Delish!!
Katie P says
YAY thank you so much for this! I knew there was a reason I didn’t buy caramel dip at the grocery store tonight! I just found an apple funnel cake recipe somewhere, and they suggested drizzling caramel sauce over it. I am so excited to try this one!
Marcia says
I was just wondering if you have ever tried canning it for long storage so you don’t have to make it every time??
Missy Smith says
The FDA does not recommend canning caramel sauce at home.
Monja says
Love this recipe! Will try for sure
Kristie says
I miss Williamsons orchard!! I’m making this sauce today!
Luan says
I can’t to make this and give it a try with apples from nearby orchard!..Yumm!
I have one small question before I do….Do you whip the whipping cream before adding it or just use it straight from the container? Thanks a lot! 🙂
Missy says
No whipping necessary, just pour it right in:)
Karee says
Love the recipe! Thank you for sharing it.
BUT that spatula will melt at the temps at which this needs to cook. Please change the pic to a silicone spatula, Rubber melts and will make you sick.
JoEllen says
Ok I’m dying to try this. But I just made it and I can’t stir in the cream!! It’s super hard??? What did I do wrong? It’s hard like a hard caramel candy almost! Help please
Missy says
It must have cooked too long. Be sure to start your timer as soon as a good boil starts. I wonder if different altitudes make a difference?
Robyn says
How long does this last in the refridgerator?
Martha Martin says
would love to join the community
Linda Pletcher says
I tried to get on your weekly newsletter but it said the sight wasn’t up.
Katie says
I was able to get you signed up, watch for a confirmation email coming soon! Thanks for your support!
Deb says
Does it have to have the whipping cream? I want to make it for my neighbor but she is lactose intolerant!
Bruce Owens says
Would this recipe work as a dip on yeast donuts? We own a doubt shop & looking great Carmel dip to use on our donuts. Thanks
Missy says
YES! It would be fantastic!
Ashley says
How long is it good till
Asad @ MyQuirkyCreation says
This look amazing and i really love to give this a try 🙂