Have you ever given any thought to what the best starter pets for kids are? You probably haven’t until you get the request! So they’ve been begging for a pet? Because your kids can’t even pick their clothes off the floor or pee straight into the toilet, you question their ability to feed, care, and clean up after an animal. Are they ready for a pet?
If you want to test the waters of responsibility, these five starter pets are probably the best for kids. They are a good way to teach pet care while giving your kids will get the thrill of a new creature friend.
The Best Starter Pets for Kids to Test Their Readiness
1. Hermit crab
Hermit crabs are cool little dudes. All they require is a small tank with some gravel and sand on the bottom. They like to eat fresh foods such as chopped apples, grapes, bananas, dark leafy greens, and broccoli. They are very sensitive to chlorine, so a nonmetallic bowl with filtered or bottled water is best. Contrary to their name, hermit crabs like friends! Consider getting two hermit crabs so they can be buddies. Be aware that as hermit crabs grow, they will need new shells to grow into.
2. A Lizard
Because they are fun to watch and require minimal maintenance, lizards are one of the best starter pets for kids. You will need a large aquarium or cage with a tight lid (lizards are known escape artists). Depending on the type of lizard you get, you might need a basking light for them. Since lizards love to climb, make sure to create a fun terrain for them with various sized rocks and branches. Lizards eat crickets, grasshoppers, and mealworms—many of which you can find in your own backyard.
3. Ants
Ants make great pets when they’re kept safely in an ant farm. Today’s ant farms are even cooler than the one you had as a kid! Another great reason to give your child an ant farm is that they serve as very cheap entertainment. A kid could spend hours watching busy ants build tunnels in their new home. All they need is a little bit of water and some small crumbs daily to survive. That being said, ants will die and your child might get sad. However, you can turn their untimely deaths into a learning opportunity to teach and observe the life cycle. Did you know that ants will carry their dead to a “midden” area which is basically the colony’s landfill? Pretty cool.
4. Fish
Alas, it’s a right of passage in a child’s life to own a fish for a pet. Fish are cool to watch and thanks to Nemo, make great silent companions for kids. They are easily one of the best starter pets for kids. As long as you give them a tank to swim around in, daily food to eat, and clean their habitat regularly, your fish can live for years and years. Or you can do all of those things and one morning when your child is filling up his cereal bowl in the kitchen, he’ll notice little Swifty floating weirdly at the top of the bowl. That’s not a fun conversation to have. But I guess that comes with the territory of having any pet.
5. Fake Pets
If you want to avoid that conversation altogether, you might want to consider a fake pet. There are some pretty fun fake pets out there, like this kitty cat that breathes continuously for up to four months. You can get fake turtles in a tank, puppies that walk on a leash and poop, and even fake fish that swim in a tank. These may be the best of all of the starter pet for kids, depending on your perspective.
So when did you get your first pet? When did you let your kids get their first pet? My first pet was a rambunctious dalmatian puppy. He was adorable, but waayyy too much for a small child to handle. Sadly, he was returned to his owners the next week. One helpful tip I came across when researching the best beginner pets: get a dog that is already full grown. One that is house-trained and mellow with children.
Do you agree that these are the best starter pets for kids or have any other insights to share?
Crazy Animal Lady says
I like this article. I must add- Do your research!
Hermit Crabs- They need a bit more than listed- they often need a heater, coco-bark mixed with sand (not the hermit sand- its often too fine) rather than gravel- at least have the tank deep. High humidity as well. When they molt- look for them to bury themselves for up to 3 months. Be careful as during this time they are subject to cannibalism by their ‘friends’ but they do best in groups of 3 or more.
Lizards- There is not a lizard out there that does not need some sort of heat lamp, contrary to popular belief- even Crested geckos. Most Lizards do not like to be handles, Bearded dragons get up to 2′ long and are the most personable. Watch out those little teeth in there hurt!
Ants- I do not know much about- though they are cool!
Fish- I love what you have with fish- again do your research depending on the type of fish you get 😉 Bettas do not thrive in those sad little bowls and need regular cleaning- I recommend at least 1-5 gallons of water for these little guys to thrive!
I absolutely love the fake pets! Even kids can take ‘care’ of these!
Please remember not to leave your child in charge of care for the animals- they can help but I have seen it too often where the animal is forgotten or neglected by the children and suffer for it. I can’t stress enough to do your research! 😀
#6- Rats! They make awesome little pets! Just never pick them up by the tail <3
Stevie says
What kind of dog is in the first picture (with the little girl)?
Margaret@GrowingPlay says
From a mother of 6 I just recently wrote a blogpost about why I let my children have pets – worth a read because it is ultimately us on some days who care for the pets. You can read it here https://www.growingplay.com/2016/05/why-i-let-my-children-and-me-get-a-pet/
Here has been our experience – best pet for sure is FISH! So easy for kids to actually care for them. Especially beta fish – don’t even need to plug in the tank.
We have had hermit crabs – don’t last through the winter in our house (maybe that makes it a great pet then – short lived haha)
I say no to lizards – I don’t want to pay the electricity for a heat lamp (see above)
No kid will fall for the fake pet – they will just keep asking for a real pet so save your money on that one.
I would add bunny to the list – easy to care for and cuddly.
Crazy Animal Lady says
I will agree to a point on the betta but they dont thrive on gold water like a goldfish type and they too need weekly water changes
I totally disagree on the rabbit though, they are prey animals and are skittish and very delicate(especially their ears and back- the places I have seen kids hold most their backs break very easily). They are probably okay for older kids and adults. If you insist on getting a bunny try a stuffed one 😉 they have a lot more needs than people seem to think. For your research try houserabbitsociety.com <3
Sorry for posting so many facts here. I am not a mom (I always wanted kids but medical wont permit it) so to me my animals are my kids. My lizard, rabbit, millipede, rat are all animals that kids wanted and mistreated or the parents didnt do research first and dumped them at my pet store. Its a lot of heartache and TLC for the poor frightened and often beglected pets. Same goes for my 5 cats and both dogs. 🙁
Luliejay says
The consideration should be if your family is ready for pets. Kids are kids. Interest will wane. Inevitably parents will either be nagging or caring for pets themselves. As a pet lover, mother of three & grandmother of eight, there have been many pets in our lives. But they are a big responsibility. A busy family with working parents & lots of activities needs to seriously consider if they have the time & energy to devote to a pet. If you do, go for it! Pets are so woth it!
Rebecca says
I have been a veterinary technician for 30 years my husband is a small animal and exotic pet veterinarian. I would remove any reptile from this list. And add Guinea pigs.
I would also say that you should never ” get your child” a pet. Pets are an adult responsibility, if your family is ready to add a pet, then by all means spend time together doing research and having conversations about what type of pet is best for your family… I love it when clients seek our advice BEFORE they bring home a pet!!!
Nicolette says
Great points Rebecca. Thank you for your feedback as a professional in the area.